Category Archives: Ibadat

Mixed Media Ka’abah Art

This is an artwork the three boys and I made yesterday. It is made using mainly recycled material.

Mixed Media Ka'abah

The size is 2 X 2 feet. After having made a simple sketch for the picture, I set off collecting the materials that I wanted to use. I had these on hand as I keep aside recycled stuff for craft.

Material of Mixed Media Ka'abah

The base which a particle board was $1 from our local RONA (a Canadian hardware store). They do have scrap pieces of material and will cut to size upon request. The caps are from milk jugs. Some can lids, a no-sharp can opener will keep them safe to handle. Corrugated cardboard from packaging. Craft sticks. Some glossy magazine paper (not in picture) for the background.

I also had some white and black spray paint. I purchased a primer for the particle board.

P1050287P1050285I started of by priming the particle board and spray painting the can lids black and bottle caps white.

P1050291Dividing the board right down the middle, we created ground and sky with glossy magazine paper. We used diluted white glue to adhere the paper to the particle board. This was left to dry overnight.

I do not have pictures of the next steps, but this is how it went.

1. Creat mountains using corrugated cardboard. Glue them down.

2. Create Ka’abah on a black pice of cardstock using black spray painted can lids and craft sticks. Glue in down.

3. Add people making tawaf by gluing white spray painted milk jug lids.

Here is a more detailed picture of what went where.

Materials used in Ka'abah Mix Media ArtAlhamdulillah, our Ka’abah is sitting on our mantle. Instantly creating a hajj season atmosphere.


Posted by on October 6, 2013 in Art & Craft, Hajj


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Hajj related videos

My apologies – still posting hajj related ideas . . . in Rabiul-Awwal!

Here are a couple of videos that we watched the last Zulhijjah.

Journey to Mecca – In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta

1) Official website of the Imax movie Journey of Mecca.

2) Copy of the video at

We first watched this in Imax format some years ago in Edmonton. It was a truly amazing video on the ordeal and challenges of Ibn Battuta and many in the past took to make the pilgrimage of hajj. Some if these struggles still applies today. It is a story of reliance and trust in Allah, friendship and believing in oneself.

NOTE: Just as the movie starts, the narrator says that Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam built the Kaabah in gratitude for Allah saving his family. It will have to be reinforced that building of the Kaabah was an order to Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam.

This video also gives the opportunity to introduce Ibn Battuta, the great Muslim traveller. We used a map to trace Ibn Battuta’s journey from Morocco to Mecca, the planned route and the actual.

This picture book by James Rumford serves as a good introduction of Ibn Battuta. It documents all of his travels until his death. I love the calligraphy that was done by Rumford himself. Every page has so much to offer, there was always this or that that the children wanted to know more about. Even the cover, just look at the calligraphy on the horse.
The Story of Hajjar
I first stumbled upon this video when I was looking for resources on Islam and water. Reason; was trying to teach the children about not wasting water.
You can get more information on the water conservation initiative of which this video is part of at Green Prophet.
The story of Hajjar Alaihis Salaam and the lesson on water it sets to present is brought to life with animation done by Amir Al-Zubi and Meliha Al-Zubi. Who wouldn’t love their adorable animation Masha-Allah!
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Posted by on January 21, 2013 in Hajj, Ibadat



Hajj – kids craft

Crafts we did just this past hajj season.

Hajj Mobile



These were made using Smart Ark hajj activity print out. While Ilyaas (5) and Zakariyya (4) coloured, we had the opportunity to discuss the various hajj rituals. We attached the picture to paper plates cut into half.

In the first picture we used strings to glue the pictures onto. In the second one, we used pipe cleaners and stapled the pictures. The pipe cleaner option was better in that the pictures always faced up when it was pinned to the wall.

Hajj Wheel

This was another craft we made using the instructions and template from The Muslim Connection hajj page.

Hajj Lego Diorama

Screen shot 2013-01-06 at 11.15.09 AM

This was Ibraheem’s (10) project. Again building each location gave us time to have a conversation of the origin and significance of each act of hajj.


Posted by on January 6, 2013 in Art & Craft, Hajj


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Eidul Adha Treat Bags

Just this past Eidul Adha my children wanted to give out treats to their classmate. Fortunately for us this year, their teachers really embraced the idea of it.

Ibraheem’s (10) treat bags contained Malaysian coconut candies; his favourite Eid sweet. Ilyaas’ (5) treat bags has all sorts of mini candies, thanks to it being Halloween season as well.

Coconut candies in wrap

Coconut candies in wrap


The green paper bags were from the craft store. I used craft punches and ribbons to decorate. The colourful Eid tag are from the sister at Sew Chic & Unique. Those were for Ibraheem’s class.

I did not want to spend too much on the bags for Ilyaas’ class but still wanted them to look cute. I found the brown paper bag idea at Lulu The Baker. I made the template and ran the bags through the printer. I didn’t even have to tape the edges. They turned out so pretty Masha-Allah. I even used the leftover supplies to make farewell goody bags for the ladies at my story telling class.

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Posted by on January 6, 2013 in Art & Craft, Hajj



Hajj themed books for children

Recently I was in a halaqah and shared a story from one of the books I had bought for Ibraheem (10) just this past Zulhijjah month. Instantly I had queries about the book and other English language children’s books that centres around Hajj. Insha-Allah I hope the information below will be helpful to other parents looking for books.

Books and poster below are from a company called Flowers of Islam.

Hajj resources from Flowers of Islam

Hajj resources from Flowers of Islam

The two books are designed to be a sort of textbook and an accompanying workbook. My Book of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha is very comprehensive in that it covers the history of hajj, the steps in doing hajj tamattu, the significance of each ritual, the lessons from hajj, eidul adha and udhiya.

What I also found very helpful was that this book has stories of various incidents in the life of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalaam rather than only those directly related to hajj. This helps highlight the noble character of Ibrahim Alaihissalaam. It also presents information and interesting facts on the Holy Kaabah itself. There is a section on the last sermon of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam and Madina as well.

The activity book has corresponding activities based on the textbook. I used what was best suited to the learning style of my child. This year I emphasized on poems about hajj with Ibraheem (10). Masha-Allah this books has quite a few in it.

Overall I was very pleased with these books. It is an all in one hajj teaching and learning package. I would think it best suits children between 7 and 12.

The third item on the picture is a lift-the-flap type poster on Qurbani. Each flap has qurbani related info in it. It also features a maze on the back of it. It is a wonderful poster to have on hand even when explaining Udhiya. My only complain about it is that the flaps are quite flimsy. I would have liked something sturdier.

The next two books are more of an enrichment material.

Hajj themed books

After Ramadhan Moon, I had to get Road to Mecca by Na’ima Roberts. Each page invites you to join the pilgrim. Invitation after invitation to join the journey, to dress as the pilgrim, to gaze the black stone and so on until the pilgrims return home.

My favourite page, the tawaf; “Stand with the pilgrims, as they face the Ka’bah.” Simple words that captures the essence of one ummah, believing in one Creator.

The collage style illustrations is this books is super engaging for children. Ibraheem(10) was having fun figuring out how the various images might have been put together.

The other treasure that I came across this year was A Little Tree Goes for Hajj by Eman Salem. I bought this book at our local Islamic school book fair. The author is a fellow Calgarian 🙂 Masha-Allah it is wonderful to see books like these coming out of my very own community.

This book is both in Arabic and English. There is a two page spread diagram of all the rituals of hajj. This provides the opportunity to discuss each act.

We always told our children that plants are constantly engaged in the remembrance of Allah. To read a book about a tree performing hajj was not a stretch in our home. Even though hajj is the main theme, the book also tells the poignant story of friendship. The author cleverly slipped in subtle lessons on respect for elders and parents, believing in the power of dua’ and gratefullness.

You can read more about the book and its author at

Compass Books

Review by Barb Jenicek


Ilyaas (5) and Zakariyya (4) absolutely enjoyed this book. They have since been crafting ideas to bring Bubbles and Snowy (our Beta fish) on a hajj trip!!!

There are other hajj books here.


Posted by on December 12, 2012 in Hajj


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Kaabah & Hujjaj Craft

I had planned and prepared for activities around the hajj theme during last year’s Zulhijjah month. However, I did not actually do many of the things I had hoped to do. Allah is the best of planners.

Alhamdulillah, we still did a few activities. This is one that centered around the Kaabah.

The templates for the mini kaabah craft was from Jannah Steps. I printed several copies so that we could paste the upper border around the box. We used a cereal box for this craft.

Ilyaas painting the 'Kaabah"

We read books about the story of Ibraheem (AS) and Ismail (AS) building the Kaabah. We also looked up of some images of the Kiswah covering on the internet.

I made up this ryhme for the boys as we put on towel ihraams and did our mock hajj.

Hajj Ryhme

We made puppets of our entire family in ihraam using templates from Jannah Steps. I printed a reduced size of the puppets for the three boys. Our puppets we glued onto toilet paper rolls.

It was hard to stop the children from just coloring the puppet’s ihraam. I took the opportunity to explain about ihraam to them. We also spoke about the difference in the male and female ihraam.

Alhamdulillah, our miniature Kaabah and family of hujjaj was displayed on our mantle.

Miniature Kaabah & hujjaj craft

 Check out Jannah Steps for more hajj themed activities and templates Insha-Allah.

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Posted by on February 23, 2012 in Hajj, Ibadat


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Hajj Themed Tracing Pages

Insha-Allah just wanted to share these tracing pages I made for my children today. I thought it will make a great pre-writing practice during these blessed days of Zulhijjah.

Hajj Tracing Pages

Please click on the title to download the pages.


Posted by on November 2, 2011 in Hajj



Dhulhijjah 1431H/2010 – Zam Zam

As part of our hajj lesson we also did some studying around Zam Zam water. The following were the resources we used.

This books gives a brief introduction of Ibrahim A.S before carrying on to the story of Ismail A.S and his mother in the desert and eventually the gushing of Zam Zam.

This is a truly amazing CD made by Sister Maryam. The 3rd and 4th track of this CD is on history of Zam Zam water. You can purchase this CD as well as other works by the same author at Nur Al Qasas.

This you tube video also covers the history of Zam Zam.

There are also more material on the history of Zam Zam at Islamic Landmarks.

NOTE: Each of the above resource sited a different meaning for the word Zam Zam – Allah knows best. I only emphasized to my children that it is the name of the water rather than lingering on the linguistic meaning of the word Zam Zam.

Zam Zam Diorama

Using playdoh we made two orange hills; meaning to be Safa and Marwah. The white squiggly structure in the middle is suppose to be Zam Zam water gushing out 🙂

Drinking Zam Zam

Before drinking Zam Zam, we briefly discussed the etiquette on drinking it. This is basically facing the kiblah, saying Bismillah before drinking, taking three sips and making the dua below after drinking Zam Zam.

O Allah, I am asking You for beneficial knowledge and abundance in provision, and cure from every ailment.

You might also like to check out this wonderful Zam Zam poster at Iman’s Home School.

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Posted by on November 24, 2010 in Hajj


Dhulhijjah 1431H/2010 Activities

Hajj Bulletin Board

Alhamdulillah I was able to make this with resources from Islamic Bulletin Boards. I mounted my on a magnetic board. All the day by day pieces and little hajj ritual pieces had magnetic strips attached to them.

I printed the map onto a paper bag as per the suggestion on the blog. To achieve a more aged and weathered look, I burnt the edges with a candle and incense stick. I also stamped all over the map using an “antique” scrapbooking ink pad.

In the event you cannot print onto a brown paper, print as usual on a white piece of paper. Soak a bag of tea bag in cool water. Lightly squeeze the tea bag and use it to stain the paper.

Miniature Ka’bah

Ka’bah made out of a box, wrapping paper and glitter glue.

Mini Hajj

This was a last minute idea. We reenacted the rites and rituals of hajj. Here are some of the pictures of them.

Using two white bath towels, the children adorned the ihraam.

This was our Safa and Marwah hills for Sa’ee. Made them using foams.

Collecting ramy for pelting of the jamrah (coloured pebbles from craft store). DS1 enthusiastically pelting the Shaitaan.

Mount of Mercy at Arafah (a whole bunch of throw pillows covered in a blanket over top a huge bean bag).

Sacrificing a lamb on 10th Dhulhijjah. Again using lots of imagination . . . the white tub and the two pillows make the body of the lamb. The cylindrical tub . . . the head. And the knife is on the lamb’s neck.

Through out this exercise we talked about and discussed the significance and/or origin of the rituals.

Mini Hajj Passport

To facilitate our Mini Hajj I made these passports using the Hajj Day by Day lapbook template from Umm Abdul Basir’s blog. I printed the pages using the Booklet Printing option. I stamped “Haj” on each days page using rubber stamp (bottom right circle) when we completed all the rituals for the day.

Postcards from Hajj Trip

Using blank template from Umm Abdul Basir’s Ramadhan postcard and real pictures from Islamic Landmarks we created these. They were meant for the little hujjajs to send to family and friends.

I showed the children the pictures of the actually places of the hajj rituals using Islamic Landmarks. It is a great website that not only shows the picture but also give a background information as well as hadith pertaining to the locations and the rites.

Reading on Hajj & Eid

A very cute book that has a rhyme to it. It goes through all the rituals of hajj very well. Has additional questions and suggestions as well.


This books talks more about the actual sacrificing of Ibraheem A.S of his son. It brings up the aspect of fear of the child of actually being sacrificed on Eid day.


This is a wonderful story of thoughtfulness, sacrifice and sharing. Reinforces the spirit of Eid very well. Definitely a good read for children and adults.

The Goodword Books

I also printed the ABC’s of Hajj from Umm Abdul Basir’s blog.


Posted by on November 23, 2010 in Hajj


Time to Pray by Maha Addasi

When I borrowed White Nights of Ramadhan from our local library, I further searched for more titles by Maha Addasi. I found Time to Pray. What a gem of a book this is.

I used this book as a follow up on the Adhaan topic that we did. In this story a little girl visits her grandma in a Middle East country. During her stay, she hears the adhaan from the minaret nearby. The story weaves the the call of adhaan, actions of wudhu, salaat, times of salaat and the sweet relationship between grandma and the little girl very well.

It was a sweet story that my son was able to identify with at many levels. Excitement of visiting grandma, struggles of waking up for Fajr, prayer cloth – he sees me wearing one, adhaan clock definitely. It was a wonderful book for sure.

This book has beautiful illustrations done by Ned Gannon as with White Nights of Ramadan. The nice thing about this book is that each page had Arabic translation of the story. Great for parents who are looking for Arabic reading material.

On a personal level, this book brought back memories of me growing up hearing the adhaan, climbing up the minaret and now, yes having an adhaan clock to remind me of salaat times (makes me want to cry).


The State Mosque, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


I lived just down the street from this unique mosque, hearing the adhaan five times a day. In fact every morning before fajr you can actually hear Quran recitation over the speakers.

I was sent to after school madrasah at the Jamek Mosque below.


Masjid Jamek, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


As children my brothers and I played tag around the minaret waiting for our alim to come. In those days people could climb up the minaret. They didn’t call the adhaan from up there even back then thanks to speakers.

In the Time to Pray book the little girl is disappointed by this fact. My son actually asked the same question about the muezzin climbing up he minaret. Insya-Allah our next trip to Malaysia, I’ll have to take him to the Jamek Mosque even though he will not be able to climb up the minaret!

We also made a minaret craft out of paper towel rolls as an extension activity for this book.


Posted by on October 12, 2010 in Ibadat, Islamic Studies, Reading/Books